OSA103F – Measuring device

The software can be run on Windows (from XP to Win 11) and Linux (under Wine), does not require any specific computer hardware or additional software packages and takes about 10 MB on your computer’s hard drive. Portable, no installation is needed. Just place the program folder on your hard drive or removable media.

User Manual (soft ver. 3.34) – Russian

Software version 3.34 and drivers

Update history, in Russian

OSA103F – SDR transceiver

DDC/DUC transceiver software (ExtIO_Osa.dll). Tested with HDSDR, Zeus Radio ver 2.9.3, SDRuno, SDRSharp ver 1361, SDRSharper. TX mode is fully supported with HDSDR, Zeus Radio ver 2.9.3 and partialy supported (manual TX modulation setting required) with SDRuno, SDRSharp ver 1361.

Software for SDR. Version 3.08

Software for SDR. Version 3.09 beta 1

Additional DLL for SDRSharp 1361

Update history, in Russian

OSA103 Mini

OSA103 Mini discontinued

OSA103 Mini is supported in OSA103F software.

Archive OSA103 Mini